15 Dec

One of the main problems that a woman can have when it comes to difficulty conceiving children is the woman’s age. DHEA fertility is a treatment for infertilty issues caused by the aging process on the female’s ability to conceive.

Unfortunately, age has a big effect on a woman’s reproductive system. One area in particular that is affected by age is their ovaries. There is some research that has been conducted recently that shows that using replacement therapy which involves the endogenous hormone dehydroepiandrosteron (DHEA) could possibly offer help for women who may be having some fertility issues that are a result of age such as egg quality.

When this drug is prescribed though it needs close monitoring by a physician, and does like all conception treatments carries some risks. The ovaries work in a way in which a woman is born will all the eggs she will ever have and this can be a small supply or a large supply depending on the woman herself.

The supply of eggs begins to diminish before she born and will continue to do so until she reaches menopause. Menopause can be see as when the woman no longer has any eggs.

During each of the menstrual cycles, a peroration of the eggs that the woman has remaining emerge and are regarded as candidates. These candidates are released into the fallopian tubes.

The eggs then become available for fertilization. However, as the woman gets older and ages, the number and quality of the eggs or candidates declines. This decline can become very sharp once the woman reaches the age of 35 and onwards.

There are cases where women who are younger than the age of 35 have been diagnosed as having premature ovarian failure resulting in diminished ovarian reserve of eggs and increased fluctuations in hormone levels. This condition can result in having a very negative affect on a woman’s ability to conceive. A woman with this condition may need to use other ways to have a child such as an egg donor.

One form of treatment that can result in conception is the use of DHEA. DHEA is a steroidal hormone. It has the ability to turn into other steroidal hormones like estrogen and testosterone. DHEA is manufactured and secreted primarily by the adrenal grades of young men and women and appears to begin to diminish after the age of 30.

DHEA is associated with mental acuity, sex drive and memory. Just like all drugs, there are advantages and disadvantages to using them. DHEA replacement therapy has been associated with increased embryo counts and also the improvement of the quality of the embryos.

It can also result in an improvement in fertility treatment results and in addition to all of this, some women can see a decrease in the rates of miscarriages. Women who have diminished ovarian reserve can experience a less effective adrenal system and this means that there can be a natural lack of DHEA, so having a replacement DHEA that is monitored can support aging ovaries and result in having an effect on pregnancy making the chances higher.

There are of course negative effects. For example, DHEA often turns to testosterone in the body and this can have a negative affect on the fertility of the women, especially those who are already producing above average amounts of testosterone.

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